The Music Den has been using MyEcommerceHub with equaTEK since 2017 and it has been great. The amount of time it saves us everyday is incredible. Orders come through exactly as they should. No more time wasted manually entering orders. The dashboard is clean and efficient, easy to navigate, and contains the pertinent info I need.
What really sets equaTEK apart from other API and tech companies I deal with is the customer service. When I need to reach out to them with questions or the rare problem (usually from something I have done wrong) they are quick to respond and address the issue. They will even call me on the phone if need be to make sure everything is working well or to just check in. It amazes me how many tech companies today do not even have a phone.
All in all, I truly value our relationship with Mike, Dave, and the crew. As a retailer they allow me do what I do best and I have no worries about what they are doing for us.
Jason Pitt